
U.S. Department of Transportation enforcement attorneys from all modes of transportation gathered September 20, 2018, to hear Jerry Cox's assessment of the Federal Aviation Adminstration's handling of hazardous materials enforcement cases. The full presentation is available here.

More than 7,000 people have viewed the Forerunner Foundation's two-part video presentation on YouTube in which Jerry Cox explains the Boeing/Airbus international trade litigation.  The BBC posted the entire video, "Subsidies & Competition," on its World News site.

Jerry Cox authored several trade magazine articles on hazardous materials safety. HazMat Management Magazine published a plain-language primer on U.S. law and the Journal of Hazardous Materials Transportation published updates on technical compliance issues including special permits and approvals and packaging requirements.

The Washington Times published advice from Rob Burton and Jerry Cox on how to reduce defense spending.

The New York Times and People Magazine published Jerry’s comments on the nomination of Princeton classmate Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Aviation Week & Space Technology published Jerry’s guest editorial on the U.S. military’s procurement of aerial refueling tankers.

David McWhorter and Jerry Cox editorialized on rail safety in the magazine Railway Age.